To edit a saved card’s address info / add a new card detail to your account, you can do so through the Customer Portal. If you are on the Singtel Dash app, head to the Settings page and you will be directed to the Customer Portal.
Note: Card number, cardholder name, expiration and CVC are not editable payment card fields. If your card has expired but the card number has remained the same, it still must be removed from your account entirely and re-entered as a new card again.
In order to remove a card, it cannot be listed as the saved card for an active order, and you must have at least one other card on your Zip account.
Steps to Edit Address of a Saved Card
1. At the top of the page, select Dashboard.
2. Under "Saved Cards" click Edit next to the card you'd like to update the address for.
3. To update the address, you'll need to fill out each field. Once done, click Update Address. Note you can delete a card from this page as well, as seen below.
Steps to Add a New Card
1. Still within the Dashboard, next to "Saved Cards" click Add.
2. Then select View Order next to the order you'd like to update the payment card for.
3. Within the Order Details on the left side, under "Payment Card", click Edit.
4. Select Use this card next to your new card to use it for the order's remaining instalments.