There are 2 ways to issue a refund - the 1st is directly through your e-commerce platform and the 2nd is through our Merchant Portal.
1st: Refund via your e-commerce platform
If you have initiated the refund through your e-commerce platform, Zip will be automatically notified via API and adjust the customer's payment plan accordingly. There is no further action needed on your end.
2nd: Refund via Zip Merchant Portal
However, if you are not issuing refunds via your own order management system, you can do so via the Zip Merchant Portal. The refund steps are as follows:
- Select the relevant order from the Order view (you can search using the customer name or order number).
- Within the order detail page, select the blue ‘Refund’ button.
- Enter the amount that you wish to refund and a refund reference - the refund reference is for your reference e.g. your Order/Transaction Number.
If a customer is halfway through their payment cycle (i.e. paid their first two payments and have two payments remaining), we will refund what they already paid and cancel their upcoming payments.
As we would have issued the payout of the full amount the following business day, we will take the refund amount out of your next payout.
At this time, we are unable to adjust refunds after they've been issued.